This Week in Soundtrack: Breakfast Machine

I’m not going to lie to you all: I WISH I was Pee-Wee Herman. Here is a guy who is clearly a grown adult but can act like a child. He has his life down pat even though it must be a little creepy to watch a grown, man-child at times. Case in point: how the man makes breakfast:
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Out and About in LA: The Petersen Automotive Museum

You know what? I’m not a car person. Which is a weird thing for me to say because my dad works in the car industry. Maybe there is no correlation with that information but as a twenty-something male you’d think I would be into automobiles more. That isn’t to say that I don’t find some cars pretty too look at or can’t see the value in them. Which is why I decided to go to the Petersen Automotive Museum on the Miracle Mile this week. Honestly if you are not a huge fan of cars or appreciate the craft of how vehicles are made this is not the museum for you. But in general this is a very interesting building to walk into and see a great sampling of what makes cars so darn cool to look at.
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Great Movie Scenes #013: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (1985)

For those who were expecting a legit horror movie for a Halloween post will be disappointed. But can a scene in a children’s movie count when it legitimately scares you? We fondly remember Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure for a variety of reasons. For Paul Reubens as the titular character, to Tim Burton’s debut as a filmmaker, to realizing the Alamo has no basement. But the one scene EVERYBODY remember about this movie is this:
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