25 Favorite Films: No Country For Old Men (2007)

This article could go a bunch of different ways. I could go on how the Coens created a gorgeous crime epic or how Javier Bardem’s Anton Chigurh became a classic villain overnight. What ultimately drives this movie though is not Bardem or even Josh Brolin. This movie is subtly all about Tommy Lee Jones’s Sheriff character and you only realize it by the very end of the film. I remember watching this originally and found it so strange we end this on Jones considering what happens beforehand. A lot of scenes involving shootouts, chases, and Woody Harrelson in a cowboy hat somehow doesn’t translate to an ending where an old man contemplates a dream. But, again, it bares to repeat that this is HIS movie despite the focus never really being on him.
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25 Favorite Films: The Imposter (2012)

How to explain a love for a film where you don’t want to spoil it? Spoilers are a thing now in today’s generation and it is quite tricky to navigate. Even if I gave you the tiniest of nuggets I could get a bunch of people decrying for giving out ANYTHING. But I’m torn on another angle because this is a documentary where I want you guys to experience it on your own. If I were to explain just why this made my jaw drop by the end it would be a disservice to everyone involved.
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Live Tweeting #4: Boyhood (2014)

Just getting in under the wire for Oscars, I have now watched Richard Linklater’s Boyhood. A movie where some are calling his masterpiece because of the way it was filmed. By taking twelve years to film we actually get to see a child grow up before our eyes. It is a great experiment in filmmaking and apart from the famous 7 Up documentaries it is surprising we haven’t seen this more often. Probably because it is a bitch to make sure we corral all of these actors and crew for each set of weeks Linklater filmed each year. I’m looking forward though to seeing if there is more to this film than the gimmick it is advertising. Considering how many Oscars it is up for, especially Best Picture, I have to imagine there is more to Richard Linklater’s….

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