Out and About in LA: Warner Bros Studio Tour

One thing Los Angeles has is a bevy of movie studios. What’s a good thing about that? Well apart from lots of job opportunities you got studio tours! A while back I toured the Sony Studios which was a lot of fun but it felt like it could’ve had more. Luckily my parents, who came to visit a few weeks ago, gave me a surprise trip to Warner Bros Studios! So below are a bevy of photos of what I found interesting with this tour. I would definitely recommend it because: A) It’s a lot longer and B) There are a lot more interesting, historical items to look at.
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SDCC ’15: Entertainment Breakdown

This year’s buzz at San Diego Comic Con was what you expect a comic book convention: Movies! No I’m joking. It was also about television. Okay, mostly everything was about TV and Film. But hey, they are all based on comic book properties….So there’s that. Not a sign that the industry didn’t learn its lesson from Birdman or anything….(coughs)….

Here’s a breakdown of some of the big teases from this past weekend:
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