This Week in Soundtrack: Man of Steel (2013)

We’re way pass Batman v Superman but the wounds still hurt. Well I personally didn’t see it cause I knew disappointment was going to follow. But judging from everyone else, fans and critics alike, it sounded like a pretty disappointing film. One thing that is a constant is how Superman, as a character, has basically died. Either no one knows what to do with him or they have remodeled him into something unrecognizable. Which is pretty strange because if you listen to the scores by Han Zimmer there is still a glimmer of hope. More specifically with this track:
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Out and About in LA: Warner Bros Studio Tour

One thing Los Angeles has is a bevy of movie studios. What’s a good thing about that? Well apart from lots of job opportunities you got studio tours! A while back I toured the Sony Studios which was a lot of fun but it felt like it could’ve had more. Luckily my parents, who came to visit a few weeks ago, gave me a surprise trip to Warner Bros Studios! So below are a bevy of photos of what I found interesting with this tour. I would definitely recommend it because: A) It’s a lot longer and B) There are a lot more interesting, historical items to look at.
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How Not To: Batman vs Superman

What has come out this weekend is not my Batman or Superman. THIS is my Batman and Superman:
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SDCC ’15: Entertainment Breakdown

This year’s buzz at San Diego Comic Con was what you expect a comic book convention: Movies! No I’m joking. It was also about television. Okay, mostly everything was about TV and Film. But hey, they are all based on comic book properties….So there’s that. Not a sign that the industry didn’t learn its lesson from Birdman or anything….(coughs)….

Here’s a breakdown of some of the big teases from this past weekend:
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How Not To: Alan Moore Adaptations

At this point the only way the public knows about Alan Moore is his ranting. When he isn’t doing yet another League of Extraordinary Gentlemen spin-off he is on his soap box about the comic industry. For the most part he is complaining about how filmmakers butcher his library for adaptations. Heck, he is now ranting whenever a friend of his gets an adaptation of his own (most recent includes the Dwayne Johnson stinker Hercules). Honestly, Moore getting on his soapbox any time is getting a bit tiring considering how frequently he complains about the same thing. But let’s face it, the man does have a point.
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