Out and About in LA: Warner Bros Studio Tour

One thing Los Angeles has is a bevy of movie studios. What’s a good thing about that? Well apart from lots of job opportunities you got studio tours! A while back I toured the Sony Studios which was a lot of fun but it felt like it could’ve had more. Luckily my parents, who came to visit a few weeks ago, gave me a surprise trip to Warner Bros Studios! So below are a bevy of photos of what I found interesting with this tour. I would definitely recommend it because: A) It’s a lot longer and B) There are a lot more interesting, historical items to look at.
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Out and About in LA: Family Reunion II

A while back my sister (along with her boyfriend’s family) visited me to see my new digs in Los Angeles. Well now it is time for my parents to get into the mix! While my dad helped me move from New Jersey to Culver City, this would be the first time my Mother ever went to California. So we had a lot of big things planned both on a micro and macro scale. For the next couple of weeks you’ll see what those areas were in full. But for now enjoy a series of photos of me and my family enjoying the time we had together.
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