This Week in Soundtrack: Spectre (2013)

Last year we were graced with another James Bond film in Spectre. If there is one thing we all look forward too, fans or not, is the artist that will grace the opening intro. It has been one of the better traditions in movies where both established or newly rising stars take a stab at summarizing a plot in the span of a couple of minutes. Add in some top notch visuals during these opening credits and they become a mini-movie in themselves. We have seen Paul McCartney, Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones, U2, Madonna, and Adele (to name a few) grace their presence with the franchise. Unfortunately with the latest offering in Spectre we could possibly have the worst intro to Bond ever.
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This Week in Soundtrack: Man of Steel (2013)

We’re way pass Batman v Superman but the wounds still hurt. Well I personally didn’t see it cause I knew disappointment was going to follow. But judging from everyone else, fans and critics alike, it sounded like a pretty disappointing film. One thing that is a constant is how Superman, as a character, has basically died. Either no one knows what to do with him or they have remodeled him into something unrecognizable. Which is pretty strange because if you listen to the scores by Han Zimmer there is still a glimmer of hope. More specifically with this track:
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This Week in Soundtrack: Breakfast Machine

I’m not going to lie to you all: I WISH I was Pee-Wee Herman. Here is a guy who is clearly a grown adult but can act like a child. He has his life down pat even though it must be a little creepy to watch a grown, man-child at times. Case in point: how the man makes breakfast:
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This Week in Soundtrack: Contagion (2011)

Starting today I am going to start a new series at OH MOVIES. I have noticed I am a fan of film composing, like a lot. Especially when I look at my iPhone cause my music has more songs/scores from a movie then actual popular music. So why not focus on some of my favorites from time to time? This week I look at the opening number from a combo of one of my favorite Director’s and favorite Composer.
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Music in Film 2014

While I am unable to hold a note and struggle to hold an instrument; music in the movie always fascinates me. If you have a good soundtrack or a performance I’ll hone in on it right away. The year 2014 had some excellent scores and singers so this, non ranking, list showcases the more interesting musical moments.

(NOTE: This article was originally written before I saw WHIPLASH. Want to know my thoughts on that Best Picture nominee? *Spoiler alert: It’s really good* Here’s my review to find out)

MUPPETS MOST WANTED-“We’re Doing A Sequel” Continue reading