A Donation Reminder

Hey guys,

Not to preach at such an early day but I need your help. If you’ve visited this site you see up in the tabs above one tab labeled DONATION. That is a link to my GOFUNDME account where I’m trying to get myself to Los Angeles.

While I love writing about film, my ultimate goal is to move to Los Angeles to be apart of it. This GOFUNDME page is a way to help get by for one year on rent. I’m so far 5% at my goal but I could use all the help.

Down below this post will be the link to my account. I urge anyone to not only donate but to share it with your friends on social media. I could use all the exposure I could get. I may not know names but, thanks to WordPress, I know a ton of people outside the USA see this. (Looking at you BOSNIA and BRAZIL) So that’s enough of my pleading for now, the link is below:
