Halloween Edition: OH MOVIES style

Hey gang just a quick announcement for the site. Starting tomorrow you will see a Halloween theme piece every Saturday. Not going to be your standard scary themes set of posts. Just a collect of random films, moments, and what haves yous of what I find scary in film. Hope you all enjoy and definitely scope these features out when you get a chance.

Predestination (Review)

My introduction to the Aussie filmmakers, The Spierig Brothers (Michael & Peter), was not a good one. Their first release in 2003’s Undead was a sloppy mess and it appeared that they were destined to be another footnote in cinema history. Never count any filmmaker out though because anything can happen if given another try. For their third entry the duo has decided to adapt one hell of a complicated time travel story. You’d think that would be a fool’s errand but you would be wrong. In fact, their film Predestination might one of the better sci-fi outings in quite a long time. Continue reading