Out and About in LA: 1 Year Anniversary

A little over a year ago I started a journey. I was asked by a major television company to move on from New Jersey and live in Culver City. Two dreams were FINALLY given to me by not only working in the industry I desperately wanted and also getting to live out in the city where my dreams can hopefully come true. It has certainly been a wild ride since moving on out to the west coast. I’ve made a lot of friends, networking pals, and worked in a variety of jobs I never dared thought was possible.
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Out and About in San Diego: Raiders vs Chargers

One of the advantages living in California is that there is no shortage of sports. Whether it’s professional or collegiate I could theoretically go to a sporting event every day. You’ve seen me at The Coliseum earlier but that was more of a tour and not an actual thing was occurring there. So I decided to go to a football game all the way down to San Diego. Mostly because it is the closest of the major, NFL teams in the area (until the team moving to Inglewood happens) but also I always wanted to visit the town named ‘Whale Vagina’ in German. So below are a series of post of my, and friends who came along, experience going to a Raiders/Chargers game. Enjoy.

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25 Favorite Films: Anchorman-The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)

I could go on a whole spiel on why the first Anchorman is hilarious. But why not actually show instead of tell? Here are some of my favorite jokes and what’s great is that, for the most part, you don’t really need to see the film to get the context. This film is improvised so well you could probably turn this into a web series where we get tiny blasts of scenes. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy is over ten years old and yet it still feels timeless. I have a feeling decades from now we will all be saying the same thing.
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