Out and About in LA: The Getty Villa

Way back when I first moved to LA I went to The Getty. A gorgeous  piece of real estate that holds some pretty impressive artwork.  I’ve gone back a few times because not only is the art gorgeous to look at but the views around the estate are a sight to behold as well. Little did I realize that The Getty has a second, separate location down the Pacific Coast Highway. Deemed ‘The Getty Villa’ this museum houses very specific treasures of Ancient Rome and Greece.
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Out and About in LA: Redondo Beach

Last week you saw my many adventures, and many pictures, of Manhattan Beach. This week I decided to venture further South by hitting up Redondo Beach. Now Redondo, as far as I can tell, is immensely  bigger and is a much better beach than Manhattan. No offense to the people of Manhattan Beach but there just isn’t enough variety like Redondo. Anyways, with my new friend in Brian we both walked a good portion of the beach for your (and our) enjoyment.
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