Live Tweeting #5: Birdman (2014)

Breaking News! Birdman won Best Picture at this year’s Oscars. Wait, that isn’t news at all. Oh well, I’m sure you guys already know how amazing Birdman is. But for the sake of all of you who HAVEN’T seen it I have to say: What the hell is making you not watch it!? It’s out on DVD and it is the kind of picture you can literally watch over and over again. So dive in, enjoy the free flowing camera technique as much I as do, and marvel that is….

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A Case for SELMA

When the nominations for this year’s Oscars came out there was one major, non-Lego related, scandal. The Ava DuVernay bio-drama Selma only got two nominations. While it snagged a nomination for Best Song (John Legend and Common’s “Glory”) and a coveted Best Picture many felt the film deserved more than that. Specifically in the field of Best Actor and Director as David Oyelowo & DuVernay separately didn’t get any recognition. Some have been calling this snub proof that the Oscar voters are racist. That is a whole can of worms that can be discussed for another day or in the very least have been covered in better avenues. It got me thinking as I watched this film on whether Oyelowo, DuVernay, or anyone else who could have been nominated should have been. So the purpose of this article is to analyze Selma nomination by nomination to realistically see what it could have earned. If you think I am off-base with my views or have different opinions in general then I urge anyone to comment below and see where, if any case, this movie went wrong for lack of nominations.
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