Out and About in San Francisco: Day 1

There are four major cities in California. In the south you have Los Angeles and San Diego. Up in the north you have the two, other major cities by the bay with Oakland and San Francisco. Earlier, during the Memorial Day weekend, I decided to head up north to visit The Golden City in San Fran. NOTE: This two parter is not an entire overlook of the city. I just visited the major (some would say “touristy”) areas. So if anyone is crying that I missed that and the other I say: I’ll be back baby.
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Out and About in San Diego: Raiders vs Chargers

One of the advantages living in California is that there is no shortage of sports. Whether it’s professional or collegiate I could theoretically go to a sporting event every day. You’ve seen me at The Coliseum earlier but that was more of a tour and not an actual thing was occurring there. So I decided to go to a football game all the way down to San Diego. Mostly because it is the closest of the major, NFL teams in the area (until the team moving to Inglewood happens) but also I always wanted to visit the town named ‘Whale Vagina’ in German. So below are a series of post of my, and friends who came along, experience going to a Raiders/Chargers game. Enjoy.

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