Out and About in California: Slab City

Here I am, back in Niland. There is more to the place than Salvation Mountain although it probably is the only ‘colorful’ thing about the area. Just next to the famed artwork is an area called ‘Slab City’. Labeled as ‘The Last Free City’ it basically means a lot of squatters living in the desert to avoid taxes and modern day life. The next series of pictures is the environment these Slabbers live in and some of the artwork they create.
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Out and About in California: Salvation Mountain

Holy crap it is 2016! Which means I have been in Los Angeles for nine months now. Absolute insanity. I still have a job and my future is still looking bright moving out here. But just because I have a professional life doesn’t mean I’ve given up traveling around. This year I resolve to go outside of LA though and explore this vast area we call the West. But we’ll take it one step at a time and stay in the general, Southern California area.

So join me for my first venture of 2016. Join me at SALVATION MOUNTAIN

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