Out and About in Culver: NFL Kickoff

It’s no secret that I work for the NFL Network since moving out to Los Angeles. Unfortunately I cannot share a lot of experiences for now since I don’t wanna sour anyone I currently work for or ruin any chances for future employment. BUT, I do like to share when a company does their employees right and the NFLN certainly does that. By the time this article comes out we will be virtually touching the new season of football. Beforehand the Network decided to celebrate by having a kick-off party for all its employees. It was basically tailgating but instead of being near a major stadium/venue we were behind the building of a small studio in Culver City. Still, it was a lot of fun and I hope the network continues to do this for future kick-offs to the season. Below is just a sample of what the day was like.
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The Most Extreme Work Tour

So I work at an amazing place. NFL Network kindly took me in and now I am living the dream. I would LOVE to show you guys the ins and outs of the building…but for boring, “legal” reasons I can’t. But jokes on them! I can still provide an in-depth look without their permission. So without further ado…
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Out and About in Culver

Today is the first day I’m living away from my family. Pretty damn scary at first but I’m slowly, but surely getting used to it. After unpacking and making a grocery list I decided to set out and walk around the main area of Culver City. Here’s a pro tip: walking in 80+ degree weather in California is a bad idea. Regardless it was a lot of fun and here are the highlights of Culver:

Kirk Douglas Theater   
Sony Pictures (Possible, new job afterwards? Here’s hoping!)      

NFL Network & NFL.com (New job! Looking forward to seeing you guys and working my tail off.

Culver Hotel        

Culver Studios (2nd possible place to work after NFL Network?)  

City Hall 

Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area (Massive and gorgeous park. Seriously the views are amazing and it’s funny cause my roommate says it isn’t that big. No offense to her but, as someone  from New Jersey, this is bigger and better than any park I’ve been.)         

Culver City Park (Not the best option for a park as it’s pretty dusty. But the view, again, is amazing.)   

That’s about it for now. I got a lot of places I wanna go to these next few days. Stay tuned tomorrow for more!

Moving Out West: Day 4

7:00am: Still in Mesa, AZ as we slept in for the night. Amazing what a night at a country bar will do. Had a load of fun as evidence by this photo:

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