Out and About in Culver: The Museum of Jurassic Technology

While I love living in Culver City I must admit it is lacking in a few things. Mainly with museums as I needed to drive or use public transportation to get to any of these places I’ve shown you already. But Culver does boast one museum and it is called ‘The Museum of Jurassic Technology’. Whenever I asked anybody about this place all they would tell me is that it is the trippiest place you will ever be in. With such high praise(?) I finally took an afternoon to witness what makes this tiny building have such an aura of weirdness around it. By the end of my trip I learned that ‘trippy’ or ‘weird’ doesn’t even begin to describe this place. Words like ‘nightmarish’ and ‘unsettling’ are more apt.
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Out and About in LA: The LACMA

So a few weeks ago I decided to go to, wait for it, ANOTHER museum! I guess this makes me a snob of the fine arts since I seem to always go to museums. Anyways, I had a lot of fun at the LACMA or ‘The Los Angeles County Museum of Arts’. Probably my favorite of the ones I’ve been to so far. (The Getty had the prettiest layout and landscapes but this had more collections.) I hope you all have fun with some of the sampling I will show below. If you haven’t been, whether a regular in LA or a tourist, I would recommend going when you get the chance.
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