Live Tweeting #5: Birdman (2014)

Breaking News! Birdman won Best Picture at this year’s Oscars. Wait, that isn’t news at all. Oh well, I’m sure you guys already know how amazing Birdman is. But for the sake of all of you who HAVEN’T seen it I have to say: What the hell is making you not watch it!? It’s out on DVD and it is the kind of picture you can literally watch over and over again. So dive in, enjoy the free flowing camera technique as much I as do, and marvel that is….

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Live Tweeting #4: Boyhood (2014)

Just getting in under the wire for Oscars, I have now watched Richard Linklater’s Boyhood. A movie where some are calling his masterpiece because of the way it was filmed. By taking twelve years to film we actually get to see a child grow up before our eyes. It is a great experiment in filmmaking and apart from the famous 7 Up documentaries it is surprising we haven’t seen this more often. Probably because it is a bitch to make sure we corral all of these actors and crew for each set of weeks Linklater filmed each year. I’m looking forward though to seeing if there is more to this film than the gimmick it is advertising. Considering how many Oscars it is up for, especially Best Picture, I have to imagine there is more to Richard Linklater’s….

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Live Tweeting #3: The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)

We are getting close to those Oscars and one of the big surprises is that a Wes Anderson picture is getting nine nominations. Most of the time Anderson’s films do not get much love so it is nice to see him getting some recognition for a change. So without further ado I wish you all to have as much fun as I had seeing such a vibrant universe put on display here. Side note: I saw this on a plane during my trip to Paris. Even with a smaller screen it is hard not to be blinded by the orgy of colors surrounding…

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Live Tweeting #2: Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966)

Here’s the second edition of my series ‘Live Tweeting’. Where I watch a film in real time and give comments throughout. Today we cover a classic from 1966 that was nominated for an Oscar in every category. Also, with only four actors and each one being nominated you know this is an actor’s actor kind of film. Of course I am referring to:

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