The Worst Films of 2015

This is coming out a little late than usual but here is what I considered the WORST of the worst in film from 2015. Stay tuned next weekend for what will ultimately be the best of the previous year.
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Worst Movies of 2015 (So Far…)

It has been a hectic year for me so far. What with moving literally on the other side of the country and working in the TV industry. Luckily I have still had a lot of time to go to the movies and watch some of the best & worst the big screen has to offer. With this being the holiday weekend and also the midway point of 2015 I would like to express my opinion on what were the highlights in film on both ends of the spectrum. Below are the ‘Worst Films of 2015’ while tomorrow you will see some of the Best. Also, make sure to click on the ‘Review’ tab on this blog to check out all my reviews for these films and more. Hope you enjoy and have a great holiday weekend!
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Out and About in LA: Movies

So this is a movie blog primarily but lately it’s been all travelogue stuff. Moving across the country will do that. So this week I decided to get back into the swing of things and partake in some films. One from a comedy standpoint and the other experiencing a big budget blockbuster.


You may recall that earlier this year I reviewed the worst film (currently) of the year in Taken 3. Before I moved to LA I learned that comedian, and all around movie lover, Doug Benson was going to ‘Interrupt’ the show near me. If you don’t know, Doug Benson’s Movie Interruption is where he and several of his comedian friends watch a movie and riff on it. It’s like MST3K or RiffTrax but more blue. Unfortunately I couldn’t take pictures of the film in progress but I can report it was hilarious. There were character bits, good eye for crazy detail by Benson, and a runner on bagels that only makes sense if you were there.

I will certainly go back as it seems to be a monthly event. By the way this all took place at The Cinefamily. A movie theater that houses all sort of special events. Like silent movies, comedy shows, and very specific genres. Again, it seems like a cool place for a film buff like myself so don’t be surprised if you see me pop up there again.



The movie I have been waiting for is FINALLY here! Mad Max: Fury Road has been labeled as completely bonkers but undeniably fun. In fact this might be the most critically acclaimed picture of 2015 (so far). So I decided to go all out and go to the new theater called Arclight in Culver City. It’s a pretty swanky place and I wish New Jersey had seats like this! I’ll eventually have a report on the film itself and, dare I say, a return to film reviews. But for now enjoy what could be if you were in Culver with me right now.


Taken 3 (Review)

Right off the bat this reviewer needs to warn that this will be more “inside baseball” than usual. As a film major there are things you pick up on because you know more about the process of filmmaking than the average moviegoer. Having said that it is not hard to see Taken 3 is a terrible film. After the first couple of scenes you are going to realize it was a big mistake to pay for such garbage. This film, with what can hopefully be the final entry in this pointless saga, showcases how inept filmmakers can make a movie unbearable. Continue reading