My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn (REVIEW)

In 2013 acclaimed Danish Director Nicolas Winding Refn released his next film Only God Forgives. It was a follow up to his last outing in Drive, which astounded people and elevated his career to new heights. So, of course, the pressure was on him to make everyone happy and continue his newfound success. During the making of his new film Refn’s wife, Liv Corfixen, decided to film the entire production process and to see how his husband is coping mentally. While My Life Directed does showcase some of the problems affecting Refn it mostly fails making it meaningful.
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Refn Weekend

By complete purpose and not at all by accident this weekend is going to be:


Stay tuned in Saturday and Sunday for all things Refn.

Saturday: I look at an amazing scene in his film Bronson. Expect tons of nudity!

Sunday: A review of the new documentary My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn

But tell for for today: What’s your favorite Refn film? I won’t hold it against you if its Drive cause, let’s face it, it is amazing. But what about your favorite, non-Drive film? That’s a tough one.