Today in Photoshop: Random Funhaus 2

You’ve all seen my various Photoshops of the Funhaus crew the past couple of months. A good portion of the community seem to enjoy them so why not show you, the general audience, what I’ve concocted lately? I’m sure it will baffle most but hopefully it all makes you laugh as that is the intention.

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Today in Photoshop: Pumping Steroids

Steroids is a complicated subject especially in the world of sports. Most condemn it for the fact it makes too much of a competitive advantage. While others are totally okay with it because, like in Baseball, it “improves” the enjoyment of watching. Funhaus member James Willems has been vocal on this subject at random points in his YouTube career. Surprisingly taking a somewhat positive stance on the subject even though the man is a die-hard health/exercise freak. Which is why it was even MORE surprising he recently released a documentary on the subject…
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Today in Photoshop: FunDevil Season 2

This weekend, like a lot of people, I binged watch the second season of Daredevil. Overall it was a pretty decent second season where Jon Bernthal pretty much ran around circles with the rest of the cast as The Punisher. It might come across more as a negative but this series does have its issues in both being a superhero adaptation and as a whole a drama. It still is nice though that, for the most part, Marvel/Disney seem to get most of the character(s) right on this show.
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Today in Photoshop: Nonstop Funhaus Action

So I had a pretty interesting idea when coming up with some more photoshop ideas. I am a fan of wrestling although I must admit it has been a while since I have watched it full time. However I still know a thing or two from the old days, preferably from the mid-80s to around the early 2010s. At this point you’ve seen a lot of my photoshops with the Funhaus gang and you can see where these two loves are about to connect. I made up a wrestling brand called NFA (Nonstop Funhaus Action) and then figured out which Funhaus personality would work best with a wrestler. So enjoy the bizarre, Frankenstein-like promotion I created.
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The Art of Let’s Plays

(The cover photo, ‘Whose Side Are You On?’ is brought to you by Reddit user blaze_holejammer. Thanks for your incredible dedication to these Let’s Players!)

On the first generation God created the Atari and on the eight generation he created the PS4. In that span of time many things changed in the video game industry. Consoles have turned into ‘entertainment systems’, webcams & streaming services have changed how we view our devices, and now we have industries dedicated to watching people play games. That’s right, we as a society can go online and watch people play video games. What a time to be alive.
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Out and About in LA: Funhaus

YouTube has changed dramatically in the last several years. It has become basically its own brand when it comes to content and entertainment. We have things like Netflix and Hulu to stream shows, both old and new content, but I believe YouTube is the future when it comes to how we will view our entertainment needs in the future. One of the things that is now mainstream is watching people play video games. Whether it is picture in picture with the talent or walkthroughs we now have no problem viewing people play games instead of playing them ourselves. The best, in my opinion anyways, is a brand off of Rooster Teeth called ‘Funhaus’. (Formerly a group named Inside Gaming before moving on to greener pastures). When I heard that these guys were doing a live event here in LA I just had to go see them. So here are the results of what transpired.
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