Great Movie Scenes #022: Independence Day (1996)


Let’s be honest: We ALL know this moment in Independence Day. It is the most quoted line in the film, apart from that kick-ass speech by President Whitmore towards the end, and it obviously has left an enormous impression for people on Will Smith. But can you IMAGINE what this line would’ve been like if it came out today? The internet was a thing in 1996 but not even close to what it is today. In our Reddit/Buzzfeed culture “Welcome to Earth” would have probably destroyed our brains. Or maybe it would have been so overplayed we would’ve been sick of it after the first couple of weeks.

Who knows if this (pointless) sequel will even come close to the level of popularity and be as quotable as the original. I somehow doubt it will come even close to matching the mindless, cheesy, and totally awesome sci-fi action epic. If there’s no Will Smith to welcome a slimy alien to our planet then it has already lost me.

Great Movie Scenes #021: Captain America-The Winter Soldier (2014)

SPOILER WARNING! This moment showcased in Captain America: The Winter Soldier is a major spoiler. So if you haven’t seen this yet then don’t see what happens below. Although if you are a major fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe then you know what I’m about to mention.
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Great Movie Scenes #020: The Warriors (1979)

I got introduced to The Warriors later in life than I should have. Walter Hill’s 1979 cult classic was lauded at the time for being an out of control action film. Watching it today it isn’t as violent or “dangerous” as it could be. But I am surprised any producer green lit this considering how silly some of the movie gets. Moments like this:
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Great Movie Scenes #019: Snowpiercer (2013)

Snowpiercer is a crazy town movie. From start to finish it does not let up on just how bananas it is. The concept alone of a train continuously running during an ice age AND there is a caste system in play is more than enough to pique anyone’s interest. There are just too many scenes and too many small moments to cover in a series like this. However, one moment stuck out to me immediately after the first viewing:
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How Not To: Batman vs Superman

What has come out this weekend is not my Batman or Superman. THIS is my Batman and Superman:
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Great Movie Scenes #018: 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance (1995)

Michael Haneke is a very frustrating man. His films never have a cheery disposition and every time you finish one of his movies you need to take a nice, cold shower. From his first film to what he’ll bring the rest of his career I very much doubt we’ll use the word ‘happy’ in a review. But there is no denying he is a brilliant filmmaker and one of the things I personally like about him is how he loves to keep the frame on one place for long stretches of time. For example check out an excerpt from an early feature of his called 71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance:
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Great Movie Scenes #017: Once (2007)

It’s close to Valentine’s Day here in the year 2016. As a single male myself I find no reason to really celebrate this corporate day of love. But hey, this is the time for all you lovers to go out and showcase your bond. So who am I to judge? What I can do is set the mood for all of you. So below is probably the most romantic and heart wrenching song in this new millennium of film:
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Great Movie Scenes #016: Fargo (1996)

The TV show “adaptation” of the hit film Fargo has turned my world upside down. Not only is it the most well written, and incredibly cast show, but it enhances the original source for some strange reason. It’s not like there is a real connection between the characters but it somehow makes this area of America captivating. But before we got the show giving us literally gold coming out of character’s mouths we would get moments like this in the film:
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