Out and About in LA: Let’s Play Live

It’s no mystery that I am a fan of Let’s Play YouTubers. Specifically of the Funhaus/Rooster Teeth kind as I’ve gone to a Dude Soup Live show AND I’ve created many photoshops of the Funhaus gang. There is now a new notch I can put into my fandom for these groups by going to a major event of theirs. Specifically, on June 17th, the Rooster Teeth team went to Los Angeles to perform LET’S PLAY LIVE at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. I could not make it to their initial show in Austin on 2015 but I knew nothing was going to stop me from seeing this.
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Out and About in Santa Monica

It may come as a surprise to many but there are many beaches of Los Angeles I have yet to travel to. Malibu, Hermosa, Long Beach; almost any you can think of sans Venice I haven’t crossed. So on my day off from work I decided to visit one of these shores everyone gushes about. I went to the second closest beach to me: Santa Monica. Let me tell you something before you see these photos: Santa Monica Beach is gorgeous. Go to Venice for the interesting pieces of humanity but walk further to Santa Monica to enjoy the gorgeous scenery. I’m not even a beach guy and I wanna keep coming back to this place. So enjoy the beauty that is:
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