Out and About in LA: The Getty Villa

Way back when I first moved to LA I went to The Getty. A gorgeous  piece of real estate that holds some pretty impressive artwork.  I’ve gone back a few times because not only is the art gorgeous to look at but the views around the estate are a sight to behold as well. Little did I realize that The Getty has a second, separate location down the Pacific Coast Highway. Deemed ‘The Getty Villa’ this museum houses very specific treasures of Ancient Rome and Greece.
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Out and About in LA: ‘Round Grand Park

While this isn’t the first time I’ve ventured into Grand Park, this is the first time I’ve stayed there for a long period of time. It’s weird how Grand Park is designated as a park because it doesn’t remind me of any  park I’ve ever seen. Well actually I guess my hometown of Philadelphia has something a little similar with LOVE Park. But at least this park in LA has some sort of grass and places to play with the kids. Anyways, it was a bit of a cloudy day when this was taken but please enjoy these series of pictures out and around the park.
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