Out and About in LA: The Grammy Museum

Music just doesn’t have a hold on me like movies do. Which is weird cause I have over four hundred songs on my iPhone so I clearly like listening to it. But most of it involves either musical scores or just pop culture hits from films/television. So the idea of a museum of music sounded pretty boring to me initially. Luckily Los Angeles is hosted to a pretty cool museum of the sort thanks to The Grammys. The GRAMMY MUSEUM is what you think it is: a look at the history of one of the biggest awards an entertainer can receive. I’ll go into my full thoughts on the place a little later but for now enjoy what there is to offer right near the Staples Center.
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Out and About in LA: Day 2

With the second day I decided to go deep into the city. Or, more specifically, Hollywood BLVD. What’s in Hollywood BLVD?






Also, Various sights!



They are literally everywhere! 

Thanks for checking out my Day 2! Cya all tomorrow for a more, low-key third day.

Moving Out West: Day 1

When you read this I will be out traveling with my Father to Los Angeles. Or if you’re reading this in the future you can thank our alien overlords for letting you take time from your busy schedule at the acid mines for some downtime. I’d though it would be a good idea to share my experience going to LA for the next four days on the road. Come join me why don’t you?
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How Not To: Opening Titles (Ocean’s 11)

A new series at Oh Movies! There are a lot of times in films where a filmmaker does the wrong thing. It could be how they directed a scene, or what music is in a film, to the kind of actor put into a role. I look at just why these were the wrong decisions and how they could have been improved. I give you: “How Not To”

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