Out and About in LA: The Grove

If you haven’t been keeping track of my pictures lately then you will notice right away I don’t dress myself very well. Who needs button up shirts or jeans when a nice, Ren & Stimpy t-shirt and loose jean shorts will do the job? So I don’t go out and shop very often unless its for entertainment purposes. But there is one place in LA that should be seen by all outsiders and that is The Grove. A sprawling shopping center that feels like something out of a scene in Paris rather than in the middle of a busy area of Los Angeles. It is also a place where countless celebrities are spotted so even the ‘well to do’ can’t help themselves coming here. Unfortunately there are no celebrities to be seen in this post (despite a ‘John Stamos Alert’ which will be discussed later). Even so The Grove is a pretty cool place that I would recommend anyone to come see. Here’s a taste of:
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Great Movie Scenes #012: Antichrist (2009)

There is a scene in Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist that was a first. In it Charlotte Gainsbourg does something so heinous, so horrifying to Willem Dafoe that I…..Look I can’t do it. Not only would I be a monster showing it to YOU but I can’t think about this scene. It made me gag. It is the only time that I legitimately quit watching a movie cold. Never even went back to see how the thing ended. So instead let’s show this moment of the film which is creepy but not entirely gag inducing.
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SDCC ’15: Entertainment Breakdown

This year’s buzz at San Diego Comic Con was what you expect a comic book convention: Movies! No I’m joking. It was also about television. Okay, mostly everything was about TV and Film. But hey, they are all based on comic book properties….So there’s that. Not a sign that the industry didn’t learn its lesson from Birdman or anything….(coughs)….

Here’s a breakdown of some of the big teases from this past weekend:
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