Out and About in LA: The Natural History Museum

With the release of Jurassic World I have been in a bit of a dinosaur binge. When I realized that I am 6 train stops away from a bevy of fossils you know I had to go there. But this place has so much more than dinosaurs; SO MUCH more. So please, enjoy yet another set of pictures from a museum. Specifically:
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Out and About in LA: La Brea and The Berlin Wall

So shocking news: I went to ANOTHER set of museums! But I went to two completely opposed themes. One involves old relics and the other is the La Brea Tar Pits. (BOOM! Take that 1960s!) Enjoy some ancient animals from cavemen past and a Cold War museum that shows how we used to be cavemen in relations to Russia.


Tar Pit


Tar (Smells like ass!)


Harlan’s Ground Sloth (Glossotherium Harlani)


Antique Bison (Bison Antiquus)


California Saber-Tooth (Smilodon Californicus)


Dwarf Pronghorn Antelope (Capromeryx Minor)


American Mastodon (Mammut Americanum)


Columbian Mammoth (Mammuthus Columbi)


California Turkey (Parapavo Californicus)


Dire Wolf (Canis Dirus)


Saber-Tooth Cat (Smilodon Fatalis)


Naegele’s Giant Jaguar (Panthera Atrox)




Extinct Western Horse (Equus Occidentalis)


Pit 91


Fossils in Pit 91


Scientists cleaning fossils from Project 23


The Wende Museum is a free exhibit of all things Cold War. Interestingly, across the street of the LACMA, there is a fragment of the Berlin Wall donated to the museum. It’s pretty damn cool to see what was an integral piece of the Cold War all the way in SoCal. The rest of the pictures involve pieces from the actual museum in Culver City.

Fragment of the Berlin Wall