Out and About in LA: Rowan at Dodgers Stadium

A little over a year ago I went to my first Dodgers game. (You can find the post here so I won’t bore you with another tour of the facilities.) Dodgers Stadium itself is pretty damn gorgeous and on this Saturday jaunt it was an absolutely perfect day to play baseball. But what makes a perfect day of baseball even better is to be with friends. So a few of my pals from Rowan University came together to what ended up being a fun day for all. Here are some highlights below:
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Out and About in LA: The Coliseum

So I went to a pretty small college in the grand scheme of things. I tried to shoot myself to the moon when it comes to attending a major film school though. But I learned that I didn’t quite have the funds, nor the means, to attend the prestigious USC. It was a shame too because such major players of film have been hear including Walter Murch, John Carpenter, and the most notable alumni of them all with George Lucas. It’s 2015 now and I never did attend this college; but now I live in Los Angeles and I can walk around the campus as much as I want. So I at least won in the end didn’t I?

For the first part of my tour of USC, which many will come eventually, I walked around possibly the biggest arena in the country. The Coliseum: Home to the USC Trojans. It’s a gorgeous building and I can see why teams like the Dodgers and Raiders decided to call this home at various points. If you never attended USC but wanna see one aspect of the facility or even marvel at why you love this college to begin with….Well enjoy what’s below:
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Out and About in LA: Day 4

Sorry for the delay guys! I didn’t really do much until later in the night and you’ll see why. I decided to go to a Los Angeles Dodgers game. Not only was it a lot of fun but it was a perfect night. Weather was great, the crowd was fun, and the Dodgers kicked some butt winning 8-0 over the Arizona Diamondbacks. All of those reasons, plus how cheap the seats were, means I’ll definitely come back later in the summer. Here are some pics of the stadium and the field to show what I mean.


Views from my seat        

Me having fun 

And, of course, the greatest mascot ever: The Dodger Dog.