Out and About in LA: Family Reunion II

A while back my sister (along with her boyfriend’s family) visited me to see my new digs in Los Angeles. Well now it is time for my parents to get into the mix! While my dad helped me move from New Jersey to Culver City, this would be the first time my Mother ever went to California. So we had a lot of big things planned both on a micro and macro scale. For the next couple of weeks you’ll see what those areas were in full. But for now enjoy a series of photos of me and my family enjoying the time we had together.
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Out and About in Pennsylvania: Dad’s 50th

So my old man turned 50 years old this past Thursday. A huge accomplishment for many and I cannot be more happy he was able to witness so many things in his life. (And counting, here’s to another fifty!) But one thing I wanted to make sure was to see my Dad’s face as we celebrate this special occasion. So my Mom thought it would be a good idea to have a surprise party with all of his family and friends gathering to celebrate with him. Without him knowing I also decided to go back home and surprise the old man when the big day came. So enjoy a little bit of a collage of some of the highlights of the big party.
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Moving Out West: Day 4

7:00am: Still in Mesa, AZ as we slept in for the night. Amazing what a night at a country bar will do. Had a load of fun as evidence by this photo:

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Moving Out West: Day 3

4:30am-5:30am: Okay, well I’m sane again. I ended the last paragraph of the last post kind of on a gruff not. Funny story, empty landscapes of New Mexico plus 17 straight hours of driving will melt a man’s brain. I’ve got my barring a though and even packed the car all by myself this time. But this video below is a good approximation on how I still feel at this hour.

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Moving Out West: Day 2

4:30am-5:30am: Woke up and felt like utter garbage. Shockingly your body doesn’t want to cooperate after 17 hours of driving. Dad is optimistic we will hit our goal of Albuquerque, New Mexico in about twelve hours. I’d call him crazy to his face but…well he’ll read this later and see.
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Moving Out West: Day 1

When you read this I will be out traveling with my Father to Los Angeles. Or if you’re reading this in the future you can thank our alien overlords for letting you take time from your busy schedule at the acid mines for some downtime. I’d though it would be a good idea to share my experience going to LA for the next four days on the road. Come join me why don’t you?
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