Favorite Films: Crumb (1994)

Last year I did a year long feature on my top twenty five favorite films (or at least as of 2016). There was a lot of contenders and it did take me a long time for figure out what is the best of the best. Luckily even with a list finalized that means there are more films to discuss in the future. So this post starts a semi-new series of discussing what are my favorite films outside of the top twenty-five.

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Out and About in LA: Power Rangers

There are a lot of shows that helped shape my childhood. But one stands out in being the most action packed and that would be Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. I can remember sitting at home in Philadelphia at like five years old and watch a bunch of adults jump kicking and sword swiping their way of monsters in rubber suits. I can remember during middle school recess reenacting those moves with classmates and being scolded by teachers for acting out violence. What’s funny is I never got pass the original series and judging the wikipedia page I missed A LOT. But there is no denying the huge impact the original series had on everybody.
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How Not To: Alan Moore Adaptations

At this point the only way the public knows about Alan Moore is his ranting. When he isn’t doing yet another League of Extraordinary Gentlemen spin-off he is on his soap box about the comic industry. For the most part he is complaining about how filmmakers butcher his library for adaptations. Heck, he is now ranting whenever a friend of his gets an adaptation of his own (most recent includes the Dwayne Johnson stinker Hercules). Honestly, Moore getting on his soapbox any time is getting a bit tiring considering how frequently he complains about the same thing. But let’s face it, the man does have a point.
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Great Movie Scenes #006: Iron Man (2008)

What you are about to witness is genesis:

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Out and About in LA: Day 1

So this week I felt like traveling around some of the sights of LA before I start work. Maybe they’re all tourist traps but for me I wanna experience all of LA as much as possible. So today we go north of the city to the largest tourist traps of them all:
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Kingsman: The Secret Service (Review)

Ever since secret agent James Bond became a film icon in 1962 there have been a ton of imitators. Even in 2015 we are seeing people poke fun at the British legend and now a comic book channeling the character is being adapted to the big screen. Kingsman: The Secret Service is a Mark Millar/Dave Gibbons project that has gotten the Matthew Vaughn treatment by becoming a slick, spy comedy. While watching Kingsman you are definitely going to be seeing a lot of subtle and no-so subtle nods to 007. But that also means there are the similar warts that come with the character.
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