Out and About in Solvang: Mission Santa Ines

Yesterday you got to see the Danish side of Solvang. But what about the Spanish side? Well look no further than…well a couple of feet next to the main strip of the town. Before the Danes came to take over the Spanish had a strong foothold in the West and a lot of Missions/churches were formed. Mission Santa Ines was founded in 1804 and apart from some wear from natural causes & some Native American raids (Remember, the Chumash had dibs on this area first for being, you know, actually the first living in the area.) the Mission is still intact.
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Out and About in LA: Day 1

So this week I felt like traveling around some of the sights of LA before I start work. Maybe they’re all tourist traps but for me I wanna experience all of LA as much as possible. So today we go north of the city to the largest tourist traps of them all:
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