Out and About in Culver: Sony Pictures

There are a lot of things I had to do in Los Angeles just on the off chance I will have to move back once my time at my new job ends. (Spoiler Alert: That’s coming sooner than you think. Yikes.) One of the big ‘to dos’ is do tours of all the major studios of Hollywood. Luckily there is one major studio right around the corner from me and it’s Sony Pictures. Now I could go on about their recent quality of flicks as of late. But I am not here to judge. I want to show you guys and gals what it is like to tour a major studio such as Sony. Not everything could be shown for privacy reasons. But let me tell you this is a great place to spend an afternoon and marvel the new and old of this company.
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Refn Weekend

By complete purpose and not at all by accident this weekend is going to be:


Stay tuned in Saturday and Sunday for all things Refn.

Saturday: I look at an amazing scene in his film Bronson. Expect tons of nudity!

Sunday: A review of the new documentary My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn

But tell for for today: What’s your favorite Refn film? I won’t hold it against you if its Drive cause, let’s face it, it is amazing. But what about your favorite, non-Drive film? That’s a tough one.