Out and About in LA: 1 Year Anniversary

A little over a year ago I started a journey. I was asked by a major television company to move on from New Jersey and live in Culver City. Two dreams were FINALLY given to me by not only working in the industry I desperately wanted and also getting to live out in the city where my dreams can hopefully come true. It has certainly been a wild ride since moving on out to the west coast. I’ve made a lot of friends, networking pals, and worked in a variety of jobs I never dared thought was possible.
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Out and About in LA: Manhattan Beach

If there is one thing Los Angeles has an abundance of is beaches. (Shockingly a source involving water that ISN’T being depleted). I’ve been to Venice (twice), to Santa Monica, and been around the Pacific Coast Highway. What’s amazing about all of these places is how they are so vastly different from one another. One of my goals for my time here in LA is to visit all of the beaches and in time that will happen. For now though we are taking it one day as a time and today I look at Manhattan Beach.
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Out and About in LA: Pacific Coast Highway

So the other day, well okay months ago, I went to Santa Monica. I noticed the beauty of the area but also the infamous route known as the Pacific Coast Highway (also known as Highway 1). Now this massive piece of road goes through the majority of California and, for now anyways, I do not have time to drive the whole thing. But I thought to give a taste of what the highway is like from one major beach to as far as an hour drive. So if you are a fan of the beach, or of travelogues, or if you are even in the East Coast being miserable with the cold I say: Enjoy.
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