Out and About in LA: FALL Corgi Beach Day 2016

A few months ago the “SoCal Corgi Beach Day” group held their annual summer event in Long Beach. While not owning a Corgi myself I decided to go down to Long Beach and cover the event. What I didn’t realize is that the group decides to do the same event TWICE a year. This time the Fall portion of the event took place way down south of LA in Huntington Beach. So while most of you are handling the start of the cold spell in your region I will personally go to see some dogs frolics on the beach. So enjoy me “winning” with the highlights:
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Out and About in LA: Corgi Beach Day 2016

Who doesn’t love dogs? I love dogs and Los Angeles are overrun with the cute devils. Because of that we sometimes get a major celebration of the pups and have them all in one place. One of my favorite breeds is the Corgi; a hyperactive and sometimes the most silly of the breeds. Down south in Long Beach at Rosie’s Dog Beach there was a gathering of all things Corgi with “Corgi Beach Day”! Let me tell you that I have never seen such a huge gathering of dogs in my life. I would make this kind of meet up 24/7 if I could. But for the few hours I was there I was able to pet, take a picture of, and run into all kind of Corgis. So get ready to say ‘Aw’ with me:
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Out and About in LA: Family Reunion II

A while back my sister (along with her boyfriend’s family) visited me to see my new digs in Los Angeles. Well now it is time for my parents to get into the mix! While my dad helped me move from New Jersey to Culver City, this would be the first time my Mother ever went to California. So we had a lot of big things planned both on a micro and macro scale. For the next couple of weeks you’ll see what those areas were in full. But for now enjoy a series of photos of me and my family enjoying the time we had together.
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Out and About in LA: Redondo Beach

Last week you saw my many adventures, and many pictures, of Manhattan Beach. This week I decided to venture further South by hitting up Redondo Beach. Now Redondo, as far as I can tell, is immensely  bigger and is a much better beach than Manhattan. No offense to the people of Manhattan Beach but there just isn’t enough variety like Redondo. Anyways, with my new friend in Brian we both walked a good portion of the beach for your (and our) enjoyment.
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Out and About in LA: Manhattan Beach

If there is one thing Los Angeles has an abundance of is beaches. (Shockingly a source involving water that ISN’T being depleted). I’ve been to Venice (twice), to Santa Monica, and been around the Pacific Coast Highway. What’s amazing about all of these places is how they are so vastly different from one another. One of my goals for my time here in LA is to visit all of the beaches and in time that will happen. For now though we are taking it one day as a time and today I look at Manhattan Beach.
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Out and About in Santa Monica

It may come as a surprise to many but there are many beaches of Los Angeles I have yet to travel to. Malibu, Hermosa, Long Beach; almost any you can think of sans Venice I haven’t crossed. So on my day off from work I decided to visit one of these shores everyone gushes about. I went to the second closest beach to me: Santa Monica. Let me tell you something before you see these photos: Santa Monica Beach is gorgeous. Go to Venice for the interesting pieces of humanity but walk further to Santa Monica to enjoy the gorgeous scenery. I’m not even a beach guy and I wanna keep coming back to this place. So enjoy the beauty that is:
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Out and About in Venice

I’m not a beach kind of guy. The idea of laying on sand, with the mucky ocean, and a blazing sun just never appeals to me. There are much better ways for me to relax which is why you see so many posts regarding walking around. But there are a few places I love to go to when it comes close to the ocean. Back in Jersey places like Wildwood and Atlantic City were hotspots because there were a ton of things to do outside of the shore. A place like Venice Beach in LA reminds me a lot of those areas where I grew up. Lots of interesting visuals, people, and stores to look around. Hell it’s kinda like a place for the homeless to thrive and showcase their wares to the public. It is an ingenious way to get money if you really know how to create. Anyways, if you have never been to the area let me give you a taste of what there is to offer.
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