Out and About in San Francisco: Day 1

There are four major cities in California. In the south you have Los Angeles and San Diego. Up in the north you have the two, other major cities by the bay with Oakland and San Francisco. Earlier, during the Memorial Day weekend, I decided to head up north to visit The Golden City in San Fran. NOTE: This two parter is not an entire overlook of the city. I just visited the major (some would say “touristy”) areas. So if anyone is crying that I missed that and the other I say: I’ll be back baby.
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Out and About in Santa Monica

It may come as a surprise to many but there are many beaches of Los Angeles I have yet to travel to. Malibu, Hermosa, Long Beach; almost any you can think of sans Venice I haven’t crossed. So on my day off from work I decided to visit one of these shores everyone gushes about. I went to the second closest beach to me: Santa Monica. Let me tell you something before you see these photos: Santa Monica Beach is gorgeous. Go to Venice for the interesting pieces of humanity but walk further to Santa Monica to enjoy the gorgeous scenery. I’m not even a beach guy and I wanna keep coming back to this place. So enjoy the beauty that is:
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