Out and About in Culver: Culver City Centennial

I’ve been living in Culver City for about a year and a half now. It has been a great neighborhood to get my footing in Los Angeles and enjoy my new life out in the West Coast. I’ve had my share of adventures in Culver City but I did not realize it was gonna have its own, very special anniversary in 2016. About 100 years ago a man by the name of Harry Culver had his dreams come true with the formation of Culver City. Now, if you look at the history books he did this in 1917…which is NOT a hundred years. Irregardless of this “slight” oversight the town has decided to celebrated and I decided to go downtown Culver to see what all the hubbub would be. 

1At high noon the festivities got serious with the mayor of Culver giving a speech. What also happened was a pretty neat idea: Culver City’s SISTER cities (cities connected for cultural exchanges) had their own mayors come down to give speeches as well. I think that’s a pretty neat idea.

2I guess that explains this obvious sign in downtown. The sister cities are: Uruapan, Mexico/Kaizuka, Japan/Iksan, South Korea/Lethbridge, Canada.

3Here’s a “Yellow Brick Road” to lead us to the art portion of the celebration. Note: The Wizard of Oz was filmed in Culver City back when it was mostly a studio lot.

4A professional artist creating an I Love Lucy mural on the street.

5Another artist doing a mural of James Dean.

6This was a pretty cool idea for an art piece. Someone made an elongated, The Wizard of Oz art where if you look through the telescope next to it then it appears normal.

7The kids seem to be enjoying making their own, special artwork.

8Here is a Culver City Council Member since 1947. Not sure if the man in the red beret is also a Council Member but he looks pretty sharp.

12One, of many, chefs (Akasha specifically shown) preparing food on Culver Blvd to give a “Taste of Culver” to the visitors.

14The city also invited national chains as well to the celebration. Not sure if Sizzler is the right way to go with so much LOCAL eateries down the road. But hey, we’re here to celebrate and not judge.

15At least this chili place has the right idea by fancying it up a bit.

9One, of MANY, local performers & musicians down the boulevard. She was incredibly nice and, as you can see, had many instruments to play with.

11This girl has the entire world on her shoulders.

10I think this is a wonderful phrase to sum up the day.

15Here is a rare photo of me and Henry Culver from 1917.

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