Out and About in Solvang

California is a huge place. I am sure this is not news to you. Since it is such a massive state sometimes things can fall through the crack. For example: Did you know there is an entire town dedicated to all things Danish? Apparently in 1911 a group of Danish settlers decided to plant their stakes in the Santa Ynez Valley. Of course they had to make sure a group of Native Americans, this time the Chumash, lost their claim to their land but eventually it was taken over by the Danes. So now, when you travel through the mountains of central California, you may stumble upon a small town that makes you think you’re in the middle of Denmark. Below is a series of highlights of what makes Solvang, California a truly bizarre place:

PitstopIMG_3130A small pitstop through the mountains before Solvang. Specifically Los Padres National Forest.

SolvangIMG_3147Welcome to Solvang!

IMG_3133Main Street

IMG_3131Lots of windmills in this area

IMG_3132Closest I’ll ever be to Denmark…




IMG_3139I want this bench!

IMG_3140Not a tourist trap. No sir.


IMG_3143No Photography? I don’t play by your rules creepy figurine woman!

IMG_3144Interrupting tea time.

IMG_3145More windmills!

IMG_3146Not a windmill.

IMG_3148Shockingly the only gnomes I saw during my whole stay.



IMG_3151Sponsored by Range Rover!

IMG_3152You can see the native dish of Subway in the distance!

IMG_3154Solvang Park

IMG_3153The Solvangs are big on Hans Christian Andersen.


IMG_3156More Hans Christian Andersen! He has a museum!…Randomly…in California? (Honestly it is a nice, incredibly small and independent museum. But I don’t wanna spoil the museum so you’ll have to come in there yourself to see it.)

And now for the real reason you’re here:

TREATS!IMG_3137Looks innocent…

IMG_3138Never mind.

IMG_3176Their food is pretty sweet though. Get it?

IMG_3177solvang                             No crazy bunnies in this bakery.




IMG_3180The last bakery shown but there are SO MANY bakeries and chocolate shops. Like war it never truly ends.



And that’s it! Obviously there is more to the town than just these pictures. Honestly it is so arts & craft, shopping, and wine tasting heavy this is the kind of place your significant other or mother would enjoy. Despite that statement I still had a ton of fun with this culture shock of a town. Especially since, in a special Monday edition of ‘Out and About’, you will see a look into something COMPLETELY different that is right next to Solvang.

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