Out and About in San Francisco: Day 2

Here is now part two of my Memorial Day trip to San Francisco! To see part one please click on the link here.
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Great Movie Scenes #022: Independence Day (1996)


Let’s be honest: We ALL know this moment in Independence Day. It is the most quoted line in the film, apart from that kick-ass speech by President Whitmore towards the end, and it obviously has left an enormous impression for people on Will Smith. But can you IMAGINE what this line would’ve been like if it came out today? The internet was a thing in 1996 but not even close to what it is today. In our Reddit/Buzzfeed culture “Welcome to Earth” would have probably destroyed our brains. Or maybe it would have been so overplayed we would’ve been sick of it after the first couple of weeks.

Who knows if this (pointless) sequel will even come close to the level of popularity and be as quotable as the original. I somehow doubt it will come even close to matching the mindless, cheesy, and totally awesome sci-fi action epic. If there’s no Will Smith to welcome a slimy alien to our planet then it has already lost me.

Out and About in LA: Let’s Play Live

It’s no mystery that I am a fan of Let’s Play YouTubers. Specifically of the Funhaus/Rooster Teeth kind as I’ve gone to a Dude Soup Live show AND I’ve created many photoshops of the Funhaus gang. There is now a new notch I can put into my fandom for these groups by going to a major event of theirs. Specifically, on June 17th, the Rooster Teeth team went to Los Angeles to perform LET’S PLAY LIVE at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. I could not make it to their initial show in Austin on 2015 but I knew nothing was going to stop me from seeing this.
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Out and About in San Francisco: Day 1

There are four major cities in California. In the south you have Los Angeles and San Diego. Up in the north you have the two, other major cities by the bay with Oakland and San Francisco. Earlier, during the Memorial Day weekend, I decided to head up north to visit The Golden City in San Fran. NOTE: This two parter is not an entire overlook of the city. I just visited the major (some would say “touristy”) areas. So if anyone is crying that I missed that and the other I say: I’ll be back baby.
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Today in Photoshop: Random Funhaus 2

You’ve all seen my various Photoshops of the Funhaus crew the past couple of months. A good portion of the community seem to enjoy them so why not show you, the general audience, what I’ve concocted lately? I’m sure it will baffle most but hopefully it all makes you laugh as that is the intention.

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Out and About in Solvang: Mission Santa Ines

Yesterday you got to see the Danish side of Solvang. But what about the Spanish side? Well look no further than…well a couple of feet next to the main strip of the town. Before the Danes came to take over the Spanish had a strong foothold in the West and a lot of Missions/churches were formed. Mission Santa Ines was founded in 1804 and apart from some wear from natural causes & some Native American raids (Remember, the Chumash had dibs on this area first for being, you know, actually the first living in the area.) the Mission is still intact.
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Out and About in Solvang

California is a huge place. I am sure this is not news to you. Since it is such a massive state sometimes things can fall through the crack. For example: Did you know there is an entire town dedicated to all things Danish? Apparently in 1911 a group of Danish settlers decided to plant their stakes in the Santa Ynez Valley. Of course they had to make sure a group of Native Americans, this time the Chumash, lost their claim to their land but eventually it was taken over by the Danes. So now, when you travel through the mountains of central California, you may stumble upon a small town that makes you think you’re in the middle of Denmark. Below is a series of highlights of what makes Solvang, California a truly bizarre place:
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This Week in Soundtrack: Spectre (2013)

Last year we were graced with another James Bond film in Spectre. If there is one thing we all look forward too, fans or not, is the artist that will grace the opening intro. It has been one of the better traditions in movies where both established or newly rising stars take a stab at summarizing a plot in the span of a couple of minutes. Add in some top notch visuals during these opening credits and they become a mini-movie in themselves. We have seen Paul McCartney, Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones, U2, Madonna, and Adele (to name a few) grace their presence with the franchise. Unfortunately with the latest offering in Spectre we could possibly have the worst intro to Bond ever.
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Out and About in LA: Malibu Creek State Park

Los Angeles is spoiled with the nature that is around them. Most only think of it as a major metropolitan city where films are made. However, if you take a little drive out in any direction you will see how many natural wonders is around. One such place is out in the major beach city of Malibu in the aptly named Malibu Creek State Park. Along with my friend, Michael Bollweg, both of us decided to hike the major hiking trail which took us two and a half hours and eight miles to accomplished. Along the way we also saw a major landmark in television history. But I will let you see that for yourself in the highlights below.
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