Out and About in California: The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library

So here’s the deal: I am not a fan of Ronald Reagan. I am too young to experience his time as our President but with enough reading material on him (NEUTRAL I might add) I have a good opinion on the guy. But regardless of how you feel about him he was still one of our leaders; especially in an age where the country almost went into another tailspin. So, for good or ill on HOW he did it, he certainly has a legacy that we all still feel today.

One of the major hotspots my parents wanted to see while visiting me was The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library. Again, regardless how you feel on the man I have to say: The guy has a hell of a museum decided to his legacy. It might twist some of the facts around and is way too positive at some points for my liking. But overall it was an enjoyable visit. Hell, the views alone in Simi Valley are worth the price of admission. So below are a few highlights of the building and its surrounding vistas. Take your political views out the door and just enjoy what this museum has to offer.


IMG_3066Kind of a creepy statue of Reagan

IMG_3067A better, more lifelike portrait of Reagan

IMG_3068Some items from Reagan’s time at Eureka College

IMG_3069Some costumes Reagan wore as his time as an actor

IMG_3070Memorabilia from Reagan’s time as a Governor

IMG_3071Some buttons and other slogans from the 1980 Election

IMG_3072Memorabilia from the Iran Hostage Crisis

IMG_3073Suit and Dress both Reagan and Nancy wore during the inauguration

IMG_3075The suit Reagan wore when John Hinckley’s assassination attempt. You can see the hole towards the middle of the suit where Ronald was shot.

IMG_3076Recreation of the Oval Office of when Reagan was President

IMG_3077Various gifts from world leaders given to Reagan

IMG_3078Various items to advertise Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No!” campaign

IMG_3083One of Reagan’s helicopters

IMG_3087Various sattles and buckles for when Reagan was at his ranch

IMG_3082One of the cars Reagan would drive around in

IMG_3079Air Force One. The model that Reagan would fly in throughout his term. (But also used from JFK all the way up to George W. Bush)

IMG_3080Sadly we could not take pictures inside of the plane but there are a ton of pictures and other items that would have been used on the plane

IMG_3085Simi Valley

IMG_3084More of Simi Valley. The man had some taste in land that’s for sure.


My Mother enjoyed the view that’s for sure

IMG_3089So did I

To end this post here is my favorite Reagan item in the whole museum:

IMG_3088Hey, if there is a photo of Ronald Reagan surfing I would change my stance on him politically in a heartbeat.

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