This Week in Soundtrack: Breakfast Machine

I’m not going to lie to you all: I WISH I was Pee-Wee Herman. Here is a guy who is clearly a grown adult but can act like a child. He has his life down pat even though it must be a little creepy to watch a grown, man-child at times. Case in point: how the man makes breakfast:

Pee-Wee has this weird, Rube Goldberg set up in his kitchen which cooks his breakfast while he goes about getting ready for the day. It must have been a pain in the ass to not only plan something like this but to test it out. Give the man his due though cause he’s got it down pat. Perfect pancakes and eggs every time PLUS some cereal labeled Mr. T? He knows what’s up!

All of this entire sequence is scored perfectly by Danny Elfman. If there was a musical definition for ‘whimsy’ then it would be this. Aptly named ‘Breakfast Machine’ not only is this tune catchy but it also nicely encapsulates this film in a nutshell. Get ready for truly bizarre moments in this gem of a movie but also get ready to have a smile on your face as well.

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