Out and About in LA: The Huntington Library

As you all know I have been to many, many museums since moving to Los Angeles. I’m a fan of the fine arts and of history as a whole. One place has fallen through the cracks though and that is The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. Nestled in San Marino, California (close to Pasadena) it is a research and fine art facility formed by railroad tycoon Henry E. Huntington. Thank god for crazy tycoons because The Huntington Library is probably my favorite museum I’ve experienced since moving. It is a sprawling area where if you are sick of the history/art (but why would you?) there is an entire garden to explore with different fauna in zones. Unfortunately at the time of this visit it was off-season for the gardens so everything wasn’t in bloom. But hey, it gives me an enormous excuse to come back and boy will I ever. Even if you aren’t into history or art you have to go out here and experience this place. But here is a preview of what to expect when it comes to the area:

Opening Gates
 Visitors Entrance

Research Facility

One of the few examples of plants still viable in November Weather
 Art Museum (Also Huntington’s home)

Library Entrance
Fountain Outside Library

—————————————— The Science Wing (Astronomy)

Up next is what I loved the most about this. The Library has a bevy of rare and important works of major figures. Not original copies mind you but some incredibly old/early editions of pieces that have completely changed our world. As a history nerd I was just salivating and also in complete shock because I had no idea this place had this stuff.
On the Heavens and Earth by Aristotle

Almagest by Ptolemy
On the Revolution of Heavenly Bodies by Nicolas Copernicus

New Astronomy by Johannes Kepler
An Account of a New Kind of Telescope by Issac Newton


Natural History Wing
Of Animals by Aristotle

Natural History by Pliny the Elder
Meta Morphosis Insectorum by Maria Sibylla Merian


Medical/Anatomy Wing

Anatomy of the Human Body by Juan Valverde de Amusco (No idea what kind of Human Juan was looking at…)

Forgot to list what book this is from. But apparently our skeletons are shaped like eggs


Electricity/Optics Wing

Optics by Euclid
Issac Newton’s Prism Experiment


Rare Book/Library

Books that influenced William Shakespeare

The Book of Islands by Benedetto Bordone (A Map of the Ancient City of Tenochtitlan now Modern Day Mexico City)
Ptolemy’s Vision of the Earth

The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer
The Birds of America by John James Audubon

The Gutenberg Bible by Johannes Gutenberg (One of 3 in the United States)

Art Museum Entrance

 Hallway #2

Huntington’s Living Room
 Huntington’s Living Room #2

Dining Room

Portrait Hall
The Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough

Golden Glory by John Atkinson Grimshaw
The Time to Jump Out by Thomas Rowlandson

Scene of a Shipwreck by Pierre Jacques Volaire
 Vesuvius from Pertici by Joseph Wright of Derby (Favorite Painting in the whole place)

View of Naples in Moonlight by Pierre-Jacques Volaire
The American Wing

Beach by Dieppe by Frank Myer Boggs
 Summer Fantasy by George Wesley Bellows

Campo Santo by Maynard Dixon (2nd Favorite)
One of many statues and fountains outside

Close up of Fountain
Me, basking it all in

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