Out and About in Culver: The Culver Stairs

One of the big reasons people will go to Culver City is an infamous hiking trail. On Jefferson Blvd there is a scene overlook called the ‘Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook’. It’s innocent looking enough: twisty paths and some gorgeous scenery along the way. But at the halfway point there is an ominous set of stairs, Yes, you heard me: stairs. They are so famous that many professional athletes come here to run up and down. Now it sounds silly I know, but wait until you see them. In fact, with the year quickly coming to an end I decided to try these stairs for myself. Let’s end the year on an upbeat moment of triumph considering everything that’s happened to me this past year.
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25 Favorite Films: Mad Max-Fury Road (2015)

Why can’t a movie like Mad Max: Fury Road win Best Picture?
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Out and About in LA: Christmas Party

Bad news: I am out of a job…..Well I mean that my time at NFL Network has ended (for now). Yes, one of the few disadvantages of my trade is that contracts come and go. So what was I to do now that I am out on my own in the middle of Los Angeles? Well get a new job of course!
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Out and About in LA: The Huntington Library

As you all know I have been to many, many museums since moving to Los Angeles. I’m a fan of the fine arts and of history as a whole. One place has fallen through the cracks though and that is The Huntington Library and Botanical Gardens. Nestled in San Marino, California (close to Pasadena) it is a research and fine art facility formed by railroad tycoon Henry E. Huntington. Thank god for crazy tycoons because The Huntington Library is probably my favorite museum I’ve experienced since moving. It is a sprawling area where if you are sick of the history/art (but why would you?) there is an entire garden to explore with different fauna in zones. Unfortunately at the time of this visit it was off-season for the gardens so everything wasn’t in bloom. But hey, it gives me an enormous excuse to come back and boy will I ever. Even if you aren’t into history or art you have to go out here and experience this place. But here is a preview of what to expect when it comes to the area:
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Out and About in LA: Random DTLA

So I was bored this weekend and decided to venture back into the heart of Los Angeles. Downtown is a lot  like any other center of a major city I’ve been too. But thankfully there are a lot of interesting visuals to make DTLA stand out. Also, by the end I went into one of the biggest landmarks Los Angeles has to offer. So enjoy another preview of what this city has to offer.
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Out and About in LA: Pacific Coast Highway

So the other day, well okay months ago, I went to Santa Monica. I noticed the beauty of the area but also the infamous route known as the Pacific Coast Highway (also known as Highway 1). Now this massive piece of road goes through the majority of California and, for now anyways, I do not have time to drive the whole thing. But I thought to give a taste of what the highway is like from one major beach to as far as an hour drive. So if you are a fan of the beach, or of travelogues, or if you are even in the East Coast being miserable with the cold I say: Enjoy.
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25 Favorite Films: Clue (1985)

With today’s age of filmmaking we are basically seeing ANYTHING turn into a film. Back in the day when it was only novels or plays we are now seeing the likes of video games, comic books, and now board games are in the mix. Movies like Battleship and Ouija come to mind which we all know how that turned out: i.e. not well. It seems pretty laughable that Hollywood has resorted to board games and ultimately it seems like we have finally started to run out of ideas. I bet though many people do not realize Hollywood has gotten into the world of board games before way back in the year 1985. What results is a madcap comedy that winds up being one of the best comedies ever made.
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