Out and About in LA: In-N-Out Burger

No matter who I talk to or where I go on the internet I hear the same thing: ‘You have to try In-N-Out. You just have to.’ Now as a man of the East Coast we didn’t get this franchise. All we had were boring McDonalds, Taco Bells, and the occasional Checkers to diversify. And to be honest fast food doesn’t appeal to me anymore since I lost over 110lbs in a quest to actually stay alive. I haven’t touched any kind of fast food in 2 1/2 years so the prospect of me going to a place like this was very low. But luckily my co-workers LOVE to eat out during lunch and one day I had to go to this mystical area for them. This is the result and yes, this is a blog post totally based on a fast food chain. You’ve probably seen worse.
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25 Favorite Films: Crank (2006)

People seem to have this weird notion that I hate fun. Mostly because, as a man who has probably watched too many movies, I tend over analyze them. Which is why when someone gives me this observation that I immediately point out Crank is one of my all time favorite films. It is a bit of a noodle scratchier for this list considering you have seen the likes of Sunset Blvd and Stagecoach on here. There is several reasons why I love this movie but mostly it boils down to this: It is a fucking fun movie.
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