Out and About in LA: The MOCA

It’s that time again! Time for me to go to yet another museum in Los Angeles! This time I decided to go to MOCA; or The Museum of Contemporary Art. Me and Modern Art have a shaky history with one another. I try not to judge too harshly with abstract and today’s artist because I am not one to judge. I can barely draw a straight line with a ruler and the things artists today can think of are completely out of my depth. But sometimes I just can’t figure out just what anything is considered ‘art’ these days. Most of what you will see below are what I found to be the high water marks. But I must stress that this probably isn’t the museum for you if any artwork after the 1970s get on your nerves. Alright, enough blabbing from me. Enjoy the show!
  Right off the bat we have a sculpture made of airplane parts. Yup, it’s a Modern Art museum.
  I wonder what the artist was thinking creating this room? Oh wait, this is just a bathroom.

 Untitled by Cy Twombly

(Cy Twombly is one of the few artists I can stand from a contemporary front. This particular piece isn’t my favorite of his but if you hit the Philadelphia Art Museum you will see some of his best.)
 Untitled (Target) by Kenneth Noland

 Number 1, 1949 by Jackson Pollack
 Pepsi-Cola Sign by Claes Oldenburg

 Telephone by Andy Warhol
 Standing Rib by Roy Lichtenstein

 Double View by Helen Lundeberg

(AKA The BEST Doctor’s office painting I’ve ever seen)
 Blue Green Curve by Ellsworth Kelly

 Hell Gate by Chris Burden

(I am growing fond of Burden’s work. Especially when I went to the LACMA and saw his superior piece Metropolis II)

The next set of pictures are in regard to Jac Leirner’s Little Light. You tell me what the hook of this piece is.
 Monotonous ain’t it? (Seriously though this is a great piece and it makes me laugh every time I see it) Monkey Magic – Sex, Money, Drugs by Chris Ofili
 She’s Egungun Again by Wangechi Mutu

 Hang Over by Fred Tomaselli
 Ice House #9 by Catherine Opie

(I LOVE this. So much detail into that house. Wait, let me do a close up.)

 I think this is my favorite piece in the entire museum. I love all the white space and the fact that we only see this tiny house is brilliant. It makes me think that places like this exist and it must be such a lonely venture. Brilliant.
 Oozewald Prototype by Cady Noland

 Self Portrait #3 by John Waters

(Why am I not surprised Waters uses white paint in the form of sperm?)

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