Out and About in LA: Bikes and Cracks

I try to do as much as I can with this new neighborhood I live in. So when I hear a major event like CicLAvia comes by my door I have to experience it. Basically, CicLAvia is an organization where they close a few roads and let people ride/bike their way around the neighborhood. This time it is blocking the majority of Washington Blvd from downtown Culver City to Venice Beach. Now that’s a six mile journey and honestly I could not see myself go that far and back. But by going halfway I got to experience the Culver area in greater scope than I would with my car. There was a sea of people as well and it always surprises me how many people live in this city. Looks like it doesn’t hit the Culver area again til next year, but it’ll be in Downtown LA come October. Maybe I’ll see you guys in a few months!
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25 Favorite Films: The Imposter (2012)

How to explain a love for a film where you don’t want to spoil it? Spoilers are a thing now in today’s generation and it is quite tricky to navigate. Even if I gave you the tiniest of nuggets I could get a bunch of people decrying for giving out ANYTHING. But I’m torn on another angle because this is a documentary where I want you guys to experience it on your own. If I were to explain just why this made my jaw drop by the end it would be a disservice to everyone involved.
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Out and About in LA: Funhaus

YouTube has changed dramatically in the last several years. It has become basically its own brand when it comes to content and entertainment. We have things like Netflix and Hulu to stream shows, both old and new content, but I believe YouTube is the future when it comes to how we will view our entertainment needs in the future. One of the things that is now mainstream is watching people play video games. Whether it is picture in picture with the talent or walkthroughs we now have no problem viewing people play games instead of playing them ourselves. The best, in my opinion anyways, is a brand off of Rooster Teeth called ‘Funhaus’. (Formerly a group named Inside Gaming before moving on to greener pastures). When I heard that these guys were doing a live event here in LA I just had to go see them. So here are the results of what transpired.
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Out and About in LA: Chinatown

So this is kinda silly but the other day I was watching Big Trouble in Little China. A great, John Carpenter movie by the way which is on Netflix Instant and I highly recommend. But watching that movie made me realize: I don’t go to Chinatown as much as I should. When I lived in Philadelphia I went to its Chinatown once but wasn’t impressed. It’ll be a while before I go to San Francisco and experience what Kurt Russell experienced in the movie. Although I very much doubt I will be dealing with mysticism or warriors with elemental powers. Anyways, here is a travelogue of Los Angeles…
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25 Favorite Films: Inglourious Basterds (2009)

There is a sceneĀ in Quentin Tarantino’s WWII film that made me realize this was going to be my favorite of his. We get to witness the titular heroes go to town on Nazi’s by scalping them up and down. With only three remaining, Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) is trying his hardest to get intel from them. He threatens the leader with the fact they have ‘The Bear Jew’ who is the scariest of the bunch. What happens next is….Well here let me show you:
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Out and About in LA: The OC Fair

One of the boons of working in Los Angeles is that you can do a lot of things with people. Specifically co-workers and there has been no shortage of opportunities to hang out with some new friends. A few weeks ago I hit up The Orange County Fair which is apparently a big deal. I mean if it was celebrating its 125th year I’m going to assume that means something. I’ve been to fairs and festivals before but let it be known that ‘The OC Fair’ outshines them all. This thing could be its only, tiny island considering how huge it is. You’ll have to wait next year to experience this but I highly recommend it to residents and newbies (like myself) of California. So without further ado, here are some highlights of my trip to this beloved fair.
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25 Favorite Films: Sunset Boulevard (1950)

I feel like movies aren’t daring as they once were. Chalk it up to either being in the year 2015 or the upgrades film has gone through in over one hundred and fifteen years. Either way, today’s age of filmmaking is not really where I think it should be. Films like Birdman is a step in the right direction because it pushed the boundaries on how to make a film but also the subject matter is more of what I want to see. Not an overtly negative view of stardom but in general a nice critique on today’s Hollywood system is what we need to see more of. Which is why the 1950s classic Sunset Boulevard is still a fresh of breath air whenever I see it.
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Out and About in LA: Doctors and Donuts

Once again here is a variety of things I’ve done with no real theme. Although that title though; easily the best I’ve thought of since making this blog.
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25 Favorite Films: Twice Upon a Time (1983)

For those of you who clicked on this article and know exactly what this is I congratulate you. For the rest, and majority I assume, who have no idea what the hell Twice Upon a Time is I should explain.
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Out and About in LA: The Natural History Museum

With the release of Jurassic World I have been in a bit of a dinosaur binge. When I realized that I am 6 train stops away from a bevy of fossils you know I had to go there. But this place has so much more than dinosaurs; SO MUCH more. So please, enjoy yet another set of pictures from a museum. Specifically:
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