How Not To: WWE Studios

This is more of a warning to you fair readers. WWE, yes the wrestling company, has been getting into the movie making business for over a decade now. If I were you I would use this information and do this: Don’t watch their movies. If you want to lose brain cells then go ahead. But they have seriously made some of the worst films I’ve ever seen including….

See No Evil

The Marine (AND TWO SEQUELS!?)

The Condemned

The Chaperone

But wait! They’ve also delved into the non-wrestler only starring world with such “gems” as:

The Call (Halle Berry further digging her grave)

Jingle All the Way 2 (For Who and for What and Why?)

So please, if you have a soul, do not go out and try and find these films. Or the countless others the company is going to make for the future especially some animated features if Wikipedia is to be believed. Stick to the classics like No Holds Barred where we get one of the greatest exchanges in cinema history:

One thought on “How Not To: WWE Studios

  1. Do a post with all the movies you made that are better.


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