How Not To: Opening Titles (Ocean’s 11)

A new series at Oh Movies! There are a lot of times in films where a filmmaker does the wrong thing. It could be how they directed a scene, or what music is in a film, to the kind of actor put into a role. I look at just why these were the wrong decisions and how they could have been improved. I give you: “How Not To”

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Donate to the Beard Bro!!





ALSO: If you can, please help fund a film graduate to Los Angeles why don’t you?

(Picture Credit: Greggy Hillard; Go to HIS GoFundMe account to help pay for his treatments:

Kingsman: The Secret Service (Review)

Ever since secret agent James Bond became a film icon in 1962 there have been a ton of imitators. Even in 2015 we are seeing people poke fun at the British legend and now a comic book channeling the character is being adapted to the big screen. Kingsman: The Secret Service is a Mark Millar/Dave Gibbons project that has gotten the Matthew Vaughn treatment by becoming a slick, spy comedy. While watching Kingsman you are definitely going to be seeing a lot of subtle and no-so subtle nods to 007. But that also means there are the similar warts that come with the character.
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Live Tweeting #4: Boyhood (2014)

Just getting in under the wire for Oscars, I have now watched Richard Linklater’s Boyhood. A movie where some are calling his masterpiece because of the way it was filmed. By taking twelve years to film we actually get to see a child grow up before our eyes. It is a great experiment in filmmaking and apart from the famous 7 Up documentaries it is surprising we haven’t seen this more often. Probably because it is a bitch to make sure we corral all of these actors and crew for each set of weeks Linklater filmed each year. I’m looking forward though to seeing if there is more to this film than the gimmick it is advertising. Considering how many Oscars it is up for, especially Best Picture, I have to imagine there is more to Richard Linklater’s….

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A Case for SELMA

When the nominations for this year’s Oscars came out there was one major, non-Lego related, scandal. The Ava DuVernay bio-drama Selma only got two nominations. While it snagged a nomination for Best Song (John Legend and Common’s “Glory”) and a coveted Best Picture many felt the film deserved more than that. Specifically in the field of Best Actor and Director as David Oyelowo & DuVernay separately didn’t get any recognition. Some have been calling this snub proof that the Oscar voters are racist. That is a whole can of worms that can be discussed for another day or in the very least have been covered in better avenues. It got me thinking as I watched this film on whether Oyelowo, DuVernay, or anyone else who could have been nominated should have been. So the purpose of this article is to analyze Selma nomination by nomination to realistically see what it could have earned. If you think I am off-base with my views or have different opinions in general then I urge anyone to comment below and see where, if any case, this movie went wrong for lack of nominations.
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A Donation Reminder

Hey guys,

Not to preach at such an early day but I need your help. If you’ve visited this site you see up in the tabs above one tab labeled DONATION. That is a link to my GOFUNDME account where I’m trying to get myself to Los Angeles.

While I love writing about film, my ultimate goal is to move to Los Angeles to be apart of it. This GOFUNDME page is a way to help get by for one year on rent. I’m so far 5% at my goal but I could use all the help.

Down below this post will be the link to my account. I urge anyone to not only donate but to share it with your friends on social media. I could use all the exposure I could get. I may not know names but, thanks to WordPress, I know a ton of people outside the USA see this. (Looking at you BOSNIA and BRAZIL) So that’s enough of my pleading for now, the link is below:

The Voices (Review)

There are too many movies involving a man or woman with mental illness to count. Some films take an in-depth look at the complexities and emotional drawbacks. For the most part though it is the go to way writers use for characters in horror movies. Obviously we live in a world with killers having mental disorders but it seems far too easy of a crutch for filmmakers. Enter The Voices: A comedy/horror that not only shoots for the moon with its mentally ill character but gets bogged down on what kind of film it wants to be.
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25 Favorite Films: Stagecoach (1939)

Very rarely does one shot of a movie change the entire landscape of the industry. That’s what happens though early in John Ford’s Stagecoach. As the titular vehicle is in the early stages of its journey it stops as a sudden figure signals for them. What happens next will change the landscape of cinema forever.

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American Sniper (Review)

Thanks to current events in the Middle East lately, American Sniper has become one of the biggest war films in history. One major aspect for this surge of popularity is the anti-war message the cast and crew has stated in interviews. Director Clint Eastwood (here), Writer Jason Hall (here), and star Bradley Cooper (here) have gone on to defend just what this movie is about and how Chris Kyle was a hero. Now, there have been a TON of anti-war movies throughout cinema history and the creators of those films make the message clear & succinct. Coming out of American Sniper though not only is the message muddled at best but you might wonder where the anti-war statements are actually coming from.
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